Installation Node

  • Network Type: Testnet
  • Chain-id:
  • Current Node version:
  • Hardware requirements

    The following requirements are recommended for running gitopia:

    • 4 or more physical CPU cores
    • At least 200GB of SSD disk storage
    • At least 8GB of memory (RAM)
    • At least 100mbps network bandwidth

    Update Package

    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install git

    Install Docker

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt install jq && sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y && curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - && sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] focal stable" && sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin && sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin
    apt install docker-compose

    Pull the latest Arthera node

    docker pull arthera/arthera-node:latest

    Create a folder to hold your Arthera node data

    mkdir $HOME/arthera

    Created Wallet

    docker run -it -v $HOME/arthera:/data arthera/arthera-node:latest account new

    Enter a password for the new account and you will get an output (rememberpassword)

    Fund your validator wallet with at least 100,001 AA coins.

    Create the validator identity

    docker run -it -v $HOME/arthera:/data arthera/arthera-node:latest validator new

    Enter a password for the validator account and you will get an output (remember password)

    Register your validator

    You need the Arthera wallet to register you validator:

    1. Configure MetaMask to connect to the Arthera Devnet (see Network details)
    2. Import you wallet private key created in step 5. Create a wallet for your validator into Metamask
    3. Go to Arthera-Wallet
    4. Login with Metamask and select the imported account
    5. In the Arthera Wallet select the Account menu item
    6. Under the Become a Validator section enter you validator Public Key generated in step 7. Create the validator identity
    7. Click Register

    Create a password file

    echo "YOUR_PASSWORD" > $HOME/arthera/password

    Generate your node key

    docker run -it -v $HOME/arthera:/data arthera/arthera-node:latest p2p genkey /data/node.key

    You should see an output similar to the one below: enode://f2927b8b1bc1b05997acf60f713cda3c776300cdac52b80d8dbfb2b434ef0e7283f8d3ca891d832bab3927b03c52593e575d48d9916804af5bf66a75b5b1288a@

    Download the latest Devnet genesis file

    curl -o $HOME/arthera/devnet.g

    Run Node

    Replace the following variables and run the command below to start your validator:

    1. YOUR_PUBLIC_IP with your actual Public IP address.
    2. ID_FROM_STEP_8 with the Validator ID obtained from step 8. Register your validator
    3. VALIDATOR_PUBLIC_KEY_FROM_STEP_7 with the Public key of your validator from step 7. Create the validator identity
    docker pull arthera/arthera-node:latest
    docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 6535:6060 -v $HOME/arthera:/data arthera/arthera-node:latest \
      --nodekey /data/node.key \
      --metrics \
      --nat extip:YOUR_PUBLIC_IP \ ID_FROM_STEP_8 \
      --validator.pubkey "VALIDATOR_PUBLIC_KEY_FROM_STEP_7"

    Check the node was started with

    docker ps

    Check Logs

    docker logs -f "<container_id>"